PhD project opportunities in our lab!
Using MCMCtree in QMUL's Apocrita
Approximate likelihood calculation for Bayesian estimation of divergence times using continuous characters
CSC PhD scholarship available in our lab!
Our work on mammal evolution is out in Nature!
Help, my MCMCtree analysis doesn't work!
Postdoctoral position available in Bayesian Phylogenetics
Simple analysis
Sandra wins SSB's Ernst Mayr Prize at Evolution 2019
Reverend Bayes Modified Ball and Table Experiment
BBSRC LiDO and NERC DTP PhD Studentship Projects
bppr: a helper package for BPP
bppr: Calibrating a BPP phylogeny to geological time
bppr: Bayes factors using stepping stones in BPP
Evolution 2018 - Montpellier
Estimating the marginal likelihood of a relaxed-clock model with MCMCTree
A Biologist's guide to Bayesian phylogenetic analysis
How to calibrate coalescent trees to geological time
Write your own Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic program with R
PhD position available in my lab!
Workshop: Bayesian methods to estimate species divergence times
A crash introduction to R
R fractals
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